
Exploration & Production

The WDDM concession is located around 90 km offshore Egypt. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Independent engineering consultancy Longitude Engineering, part of ABL Group, has been awarded a contract to provide detailed design and engineering services for the subsea development of Phase-X at Egypt’s West Delta Deep Marine concession, part of the Burullus Gas Field in the Mediterranean Sea

DNO is planning to drill another well in the Baeshiqa license in Kurdistan in 2024. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

DNO, the Norwegian oil and gas operator, has announced that gross production from its operated Tawke license in the Kurdistan region of Iraq continues to climb, with the December to date average approaching 90,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) 

The Company has invested more than US$1bn in oil and gas exploration and production in Kurdistan since 2005. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

WesternZagros is a privately held American company with offices in Calgary, Canada, and in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq 

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