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The advanced solution will improve vessels safety through automated monitoring. (Image source: AIQ)

Transformative energy solutions provider AIQ has announced the successful deployment of its SMARTi Intelligent Operational Safety Monitoring solution on board 86 vessels of ADNOC Logistics and Services 

SMARTi leverages artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to analyse video streams in real-time, performing more than 1 billion predictions a day and enabling rapid detection and classification of safety behavior, incidents, and hazardous situations. The solution can be seamlessly integrated into existing CCTV platforms to improve safety on vessels.

Dr. Christopher Cooper, CEO of AIQ, said, "The deployment of our highly effective SMARTi solution to ADNOC L&S vessels is another example of how AIQ is delivering leading-edge, homegrown AI technology to the heart of the Energy sector. The solution has an ever-expanding profile of uses, and we look forward to extending this initial deployment to an even greater number of vessels within the ADNOC L&S fleet and beyond."

ADNOC L&S will utilise the UAE-developed SMARTi solution to further improve safety on its vessels through automated monitoring, detection and reporting of safety protocol violations and incidents.

Captain Abdulkareem Al Masabi, CEO of ADNOC L&S said, “The deployment of AIQ’s SMARTi technology on our ships demonstrates our commitment to 100% HSE, as we continue to invest in innovation to optimize our operations and drive further value for our business and customers. ADNOC L&S is committed to deploying cutting-edge AI-based technologies across our entire business ensuring our vessels are a safe environment for our people.”

SMARTi (previously known as Smart Vessel) is capable of processing a vast number of images daily with greater than 90% accuracy. The solution is able to detect the absence of personal protective equipment (including helmet, uniform, and life vest), entrance and presence within a restricted area, slip and fall, man overboard and other defined scenarios.

The offshore SARB field has seen a 25% increase in production. (Image source: ADNOC)

ADNOC has announced that its offshore Satah Al Razboot (SARB) field has increased production capacity by 25% to 140,000 bpd through the implementation of advanced digital technologies

The digital solutions implemented onsite at SARB allow the field to be operated remotely from Zirku island, 20km away. Remote monitoring, smart well operations and production management technologies are integrated at the remote control centre for optimised real-time decision-making. This has enabled the accelerated growth in field capacity with reduced costs and emissions. The field’s digitalisation will enable the deployment of additional AI solutions to further enhance and optimise operations. AIQ solutions DrillRep and OptiDrill process data from rigs and wells at the field, enhancing drilling efficiency and optimisation. By utilising daily drilling data reports and rig sensor data, AIQ’s technology supports drilling operations with the necessary insights and actions to optimise the drilling process.

Abdulmunim Saif Al Kindy, ADNOC Upstream executive director, said, “AI and digitalisation are at the heart of ADNOC’s smart growth strategy to help responsibly meet the world’s growing energy demand. By deploying industry-leading technologies at SARB field, we have increased production capacity while enhancing the safety, sustainability and efficiency of our operations, strengthening ADNOC’s position as one of the world’s lowest-cost and least carbon intensive energy producers.”

See also

Ediz Eren, regional VP Middle East, Rockwell Automation. (Image source: Rockwell Automation)

Ediz Eren, regional VP Middle East for Rockwell Automation, discusses how the region is witnessing a remarkable shift towards digital transformation, driven by ambitious visions for economic diversification and modernisation

In recent years, the Middle East has been experiencing a significant shift towards digital transformation across various industries. Traditionally known for its oil and gas sector dominance, the region is now diversifying its economy and embracing technology-driven innovations to foster growth and competitiveness

A key driver of digital transformation in the Middle East is the region's vision for economic diversification and modernisation. Governments across the region have launched ambitious initiatives to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and technological advancement. These initiatives include investment in digital infrastructure, development of smart cities, and promotion of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Like other global economies, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies in the region, as organisations have had to adapt rapidly to remote work, digital communication, and online services. This has led to a greater appreciation for the benefits of digitalisation, including increased efficiency, flexibility, and resilience. Organisations invest in cloud computing, big data analytics, cybersecurity, and digital platforms to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and drive innovation.

Saudi Arabia, for example, is aggressively advancing its manufacturing sector through digitalisation, aiming to expand from 10,000 to 36,000 facilities by 2030 as part of its Vision 2030. Rockwell Automation, a key supporter, recently launched its Digital Center of Excellence in Dammam, strengthening its commitment to the Kingdom. The Center focuses on process industries such as oil and gas, mining, and water, accelerating Saudi Arabia's digital transformation and optimising maintenance operations.

It is not all about technology

While Rockwell has a suite of solutions that cover the entire lifecycle of a manufacturing facility, a successful digital transformation requires more than that. A vital component often overlooked is the people involved in the facility, who frequently feel threatened by adopting automation and data-driven processes.

As digitalisation, automation, and robotics increase in manufacturing companies, workers express growing concerns about potential job displacement, loss of autonomy, and the need for upskilling. One primary apprehension among workers is the fear of job loss due to automation replacing traditional manual tasks. This concern is compounded by the perception that machines are increasingly capable of performing tasks previously carried out by humans. This shift can lead to feelings of disengagement and decreased job satisfaction among workers.

The increasing reliance on digitalisation also raises concerns about the need for continuous upskilling and reskilling. Many workers feel unequipped to navigate the rapidly evolving technological landscape, leading to anxiety about job security and future employability. Addressing these concerns requires proactive measures from manufacturing companies, including investment in training programmes, transparent communication about the role of technology in the workplace, and efforts to involve workers in the digitalisation process to mitigate fears and foster a culture of collaboration and adaptation.

The importance of effective change management

Change management is pivotal in successfully implementing digital transformation initiatives within manufacturing companies. Change management helps create awareness and understanding among employees about the need for digital transformation and its benefits to the organisation. Clear communication about the transformation's goals, objectives, and expected outcomes helps to alleviate uncertainty and build buy-in from employees at all levels.

It serves as a guiding framework for navigating the complexities of digital transformation, ensuring that organisational goals are achieved and employees are equipped to thrive in a rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape.

Some organisations look to pilot projects to provide a controlled environment to test new technologies, processes, and strategies before implementing them on a larger scale. These small-scale initiatives allow organisations to assess feasibility, identify potential challenges, and refine their approach, ultimately minimising risks and maximising the success of broader transformation efforts. However, as, by definition, they are small, they have a limited role in wider workforce acceptance.

Their prime benefit is their ability to demonstrate tangible value and ROI to stakeholders within the organisation. By focusing on specific use cases or areas of improvement, pilot projects can showcase the potential impact of digital solutions on productivity, efficiency, quality, or cost savings. This empirical evidence is essential for garnering support and securing buy-in from decision-makers and frontline employees.

The region is witnessing a remarkable shift towards digital transformation, driven by ambitious visions for economic diversification and modernisation. Governments are spearheading initiatives to foster innovation and technological advancement. Overall, digital transformation presents challenges and opportunities for the Middle East, highlighting the importance of proactive strategies and strong partners to address workforce concerns and maximise the benefits of technological innovation.

The service provides automated, continuous visualisation of the subsurface. (Image source: Halliburton)

Halliburton has launched the Sensori fracture monitoring service, for automated, continuous measurement and visualisation of the subsurface

The Sensori service combines non-intrusive technologies, automated data acquisition and processing, and real-time subsurface data into a single solution to give operators visibility and control over fracture performance.

The service provides true, real-time data acquisition and processing of near-well and far-field subsurface measurements. Through automation, cloud processing and big data analytics, it provides continuous, real-time subsurface feedback for multiple well pads across an entire asset. With the integration of non-intrusive downhole diagnostics, the service allows more frequent, cost-effective acquisition of quality, subsurface measurements, providing faster access to subsurface insight that helps improve fracturing economics and recovery.

When combined with Halliburton’s proprietary ZEUS electric fracturing system and Octiv automation platform, the Sensori service provides a powerful solution to maximise efficiency, optimise performance and lower total cost of ownership.

“Our Sensori service simplifies the routine use of big data for fracture monitoring,” said Shawn Stasiuk, vice president of Production Enhancement.

“It provides an affordable, easy-to-deploy solution that reduces cost and operational complexity while providing operators with unmatched visibility and control over fracture performance.”

The solution will be deployed in more than 300 wells across ADNOC assets this year. (Image source: ADNOC)

ADNOC has announced the first offshore deployment of RoboWell, AIQ’s artificial intelligence (AI) autonomous well-control solution, at its offshore fully digital NASR field, as it seeks to become the world’s most AI-enabled energy company

RoboWell uses cloud-based AI algorithms to autonomously operate wells that self-adjust according to changing conditions. This enhances the safe operation of the well, improves efficiency, reduces the need for travel and physical interventions, and so minimises emissions. It was first deployed in 2023 at the onshore NEB field, ADNOC’s first "smart field", which has pioneered the implementation of industry-leading AI-enabled advanced technologies.

Further deployment scheduled

RoboWell has been deployed across an initial 10 wells at NASR, located 130 km northwest of Abu Dhabi, and ADNOC is looking to roll it out at more than 300 wells across its offshore and onshore operations this year.

Abdulmunim Saif Al Kindy, ADNOC Upstream Executive Director, said, “The offshore deployment of RoboWell at NASR field demonstrates how ADNOC is harnessing the power of AI as we responsibly meet growing global energy demand. ADNOC’s aim is to become the world’s most AI-enabled energy company, integrating AI from the control room to the board room to maximize efficiency and move towards autonomous operations. Through our partnership with AIQ we are leveraging the UAE’s world-leading expertise in energy and AI to help transform the future of energy.”

Dr. Chris Cooper, AIQ CEO said, “RoboWell has already been proven to deliver up to 30% optimisation in gas lift consumption and up to 5% increase in operating efficiency, so the expanded implementation of the solution represents a pivotal step for AIQ and ADNOC. By harnessing this leading-edge technology, we are enabling ADNOC to drive greater value from its resources and further optimise its operations.’’

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