Saudi Aramco Development Company, a subsidiary of Aramco, and Cognite AS, a leading industrial software company, have agreed to establish a joint venture to progress digitalisation in Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East and North Africa region
Leading energy companies announce Transition Principles
Eight leading energy companies have jointly developed and agreed Principles as a collaborative platform for energy transition
Weir Oil & Gas first to offer OPITO-accredited training in Iraq
Weir Oil & Gas has successfully achieved accreditation from OPITO, the global skills organisation for the energy industry, to provide occupational training qualifications from the Weir Oil & Gas Centre of Manufacturing and Engineering Excellence in Southern Iraq
TransGlobe Energy reaches agreement with EGPC to merge, extend and modernise its Eastern Desert concessions
TransGlobe Energy Corporation has announced that it has reached an agreement with the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) to merge the three existing Eastern Desert concessions (the West Gharib, West Bakr and North West Gharib concessions) into a new modernised concession agreement
NMDC to merge with NPCC to create leading EPC player
Shareholders of National Marine Dredging Company (NMDC) have voted to approve the recommended offer to merge with National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC)