Iraq will produce five million barrels per day by 2016, according to a study by market research firm Douglas-Westwood
Iraq will produce five million barrels per day by 2016, according to a study by market research firm Douglas-Westwood
Tethys Oil AB, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Tethys Oil Block 3 and 4 Ltd, produced 456,762 barrels of oil in December 2012, corresponding to 14,734 bopd
An Iraqi oil exploration firm has claimed to have discovered deposits of crude, equivalent to one billion barrels of oil, during its first exploration work in the country in almost three decades
MENA Hydrocarbons has announced that drilling activities in its Lagia oil field in Egypt have recommenced
Genel Energy has announced that production on its onshore Taq Taq field hit a high of 109,000 barrels of oil per day on 4 January 2013