
Elevating Emulsion Layer Level Measurement

Oil Review Middle East hosted an AMETEK LMS webinar on Elevating Emulsion Layer Level Measurement on 19 September, which addressed the challenges of interface level measurement and how AMETEK LMS’s new TDR-based multiphase detector is revolutionising level measurement in applications with dynamic emulsion layers

Multiphase level measurements exist throughout the process industries and are particularly relevant in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical sectors due to the value derived from effective water and hydrocarbon separation. While level instrumentation has come a long way in measuring liquids of all varieties, accurate measurement of dynamic emulsion layers is a pressing challenge that often limits process optimisation. Oil and water that undergoes emulsification is widely seen as the most difficult type of interface to control.

At the AMETEK LMS webinar on Elevating Emulsion Layer Level Measurement, hosted by Oil Review Middle East, Bob Botwinski, Sr. Global Product Manager and Craig Carroll, DVP Marketing & Commercial Strategy at AMETEK LMS, discussed interface challenges, the various technologies associated with interface level measurement and their limitations. 

They went on to discuss in detail the advantages and benefits of AMETEK LMS’s groundbreaking Genesis interface solution. Through the in-depth presentations, delegates learned how this groundbreaking TDR-based multiphase detector is able to give precise measurements even in the thickest and most dynamic of emulsion layers. It addresses the challenges of measuring dynamic conditions in difficult processes, such as desalters and separators. It is a powerful, cost-effective solution capable of measuring total level, emulsion layers, and sediment from a single opening in the vessel. Delegates also benefited from case studies on successful installations.

The presentations attracted a great deal of audience interest and participation, being followed by a lively q&a session.

Watch the webinar here, and find out how AMETEK LMS’s Genesis multiphase detector can help you solve your level measurement challenges.