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The virtual inhouse seismic processing centre will allow each of the decentralised business units of Wintershall Dea globally to collaborate efficiently and directly with DUG. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

DUG Technology (DUG), which provides innovative processing and storage solutions, has announced a new partnership with Wintershall Dea, involving the formation of a global virtual seismic processing centre

Aramco, Viasat & Inmarsat sign MOU for 5G mesh connectivity collaboration. (Image source: Inmarsat)

Viasat venture, Inmarsat Maritime, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with energy company Aramco to kick-start trial works on building a 5G 'mesh' network to provide high-bandwidth connectivity for Aramco’s offshore activities in the Arabian Gulf 

The scanners feature advancements in operability and versatility. (Image source: Evident Corporation)

Evident Corporation, a leader in inspection solutions, has upgraded its MapROVER and SteerROVER scanners with new capabilities to enable easier weld and corrosion inspections of hard-to-reach areas and high-temperature surfaces of pipes, large tanks and pressure vessels

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