
Zilift achieve world's first electrical submersible pump live well cable deployment, operation and retrieval


Zilift, leading developer of permanent magnet technologies for innovative artificial lift applications for the energy sector, has successfully achieved a worlds first electrical submersible pump live well cable deployment, operation and retrieval, under live well conditions

Zilift has successfully achieved a world's first electrical submersible pump (ESP) live well cable deployment, operation and retrieval, under live well conditions. The installation of ESP, deployable through 3/5 inch tubing, took place in a well in California well in November, and included full wellhead termination and pump operation. 

Zilift has demonstrated that rigs are no longer an essential component in ESP operations thereby saving the rig cost and largely eliminating postponed production. This presents the industry with a game changing opportunity for significant life cycle cost reductions. 

Norman Liley, Zilift’s commercial and IP director said: “For operators to regain profitability in this challenging oil price environment, the only route forward is the application of new methods and technology which can fundamentally reduce the industry’s cost base and the capacity to cable deploy ESP’s offers just that.” 

Mike Rushby, Zilift’s SpeedDrive business unit manager said: “Demonstrating, for the first time, that ESP’s can be safely deployed under live well conditions - without the need for a rig at any stage in its deployment is a transformational development for the upstream oil industry. 

“Additionally, Zilift successfully re-connected to the deployment cable and retrieved the complete system to surface - all under live well conditions. The significance of these achievements cannot be overstated - the industry has sought this type of solution for decades – it’s the “holy grail” for powered artificial lift systems."