
Smart Vessel Solution for improved marine operations


The demand for oil and gas continues to grow strongly globally, influencing macroeconomic and geopolitical situations


Technological breakthroughs, coupled with the rising exploration interests of different nations, make the oil and gas industry a highly sought-after and lucrative market. To deal with challenges concerning oil price dynamics and supplydemand imbalances, firms in the sector need to rely on intelligent surveillance, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to harness real-time data. Gathering and analysing data helps streamline operations, reduce costs and ensure HSE practices.

The problem

In terms of safety, security, surveillance, decision-making and communication, the existing offshore support systems in ships were inadequate.

Major concerns were also posed by the lack of real-time data, including the inability to recognise weather patterns, insufficient situational awareness, and inefficient staff monitoring. Last but not least, accidents can happen on seagoing vessels, particularly when there is poor visibility or when people fall overboard. Accurate data, ineffective efficiency, a lack of safety, and other issues that offer cumulative difficulties to the entire system translate to limited operating capabilities for companies in the oil and gas business.

The solution

The Smart Vessel Solution from MVP Tech makes use of cutting-edge innovations in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and intelligent surveillance. With the use of numerous strategically positioned intelligent cameras, sensors, and audio network speakers, the system is designed to continuously scan, analyse, detect and identify issues, as well as to assist in preventing them.

The team of AI scientists and software engineers created a custom AI analytics software using MVP Tech's AI and engineering capabilities. The system will be able to detect multiple important events or threats occurring at once, using intelligent cameras, generate an audible warning alarm via network audio speakers, and display visual alarms via the video management software on the monitors in the captain's bridge.

The solution is also capable of maintaining appropriate HSE procedures; by fostering ideal vessel conditions, it greatly enhances operational effectiveness and safety.

The applications

MVP Tech’s Smart Vessel Solution finds its application in a number of offshore and onshore vessel activities:

• Surveillance

The solution improves surveillance comprehensively with video management systems to cover the entire vessel including restricted areas and exit points.

The cameras include tripwire built-in analytics, which would draw a virtual line across the threshold point. When the system notices that line being crossed, an alarm is automatically generated.

• Safety

By utilising ML to find PPE and HSE violations, the solution eliminates manual personnel checks while ensuring crew safety. Additionally, the AI-powered system can detect the periodic movement of a ship in any direction and categorise the sea condition appropriately based on a predefined threshold by automatically classifying the sea swells using an inclinometer sensor.

• Detection

With its continuous surveillance capabilities, the solution can detect, identify, and analyse any abnormal actions, triggering alarms and alerts to the control team for prompt mitigation. As a result, any slip and fall actions can be detected, classified, and alerted by the trained AI analytics software using ML.

• Visibility

Incorporating a high-powered image recognition system, the solution improves visibility by identifying objects in the surroundings. In the case of detecting a man overboard, with thermal cameras covering the vessel’s sides and stern area, the AI analytics is trained to pick up and detect movements out of the vessel to avoid nuisance reoccurring alarms. 

Furthermore, it plots the GPS positioning of such events.

• Communication

The onshore command and control centres have access to real-time data during vessel movement in addition to all onboard analytics, automatically stored on the NVR (Network Video Recorder) and pushed into the central synchronisation when the vessel is back on the port via the backend wireless communication system.

The result

MVP Tech’s Smart Vessel Solution has eliminated challenges that reduce operational efficiency and safety. Notably, it has managed to be one step ahead of its competitors by achieving several critical results, which include:

• Enhanced health & safety practices

The solution enhances decision-making capability (e.g., by analysing weather patterns), provides a safe working environment, and promptly detects abnormal behaviour.

• Real-time access and communication

The solution minimises uncertainty by providing real-time video access to the onshore command and control centre.

The solution achieves this with an AI cloud system, a central repository for local video and data information on board. With real-time data, the centre can ensure vessel security and empower vessel operations with powerful analytics.

• Reduction in costs

The solution elevates the role of the onshore command and control centre as it communicates and controls multiple vessels. This brings about better decision-making, ultimately reduces operating costs and leads to better utilisation of resources.

• Improved navigation

The built-in AI functionality helps in the better detection of objects in the surrounding area. The solution assures intelligent surveillance by generating alarms and providing the quickest postevent analysis.

• Automated crew safety checks

The Smart Vessel Solution automatically detects PPE and HSE violations; it also detects security hazards concurrently throughout the operation.

• Eliminating accidents

The solution is designed and developed to classify sea swells as red, yellow, or green, with green indicating normal conditions, yellow indicating warning conditions, and red indicating alarming conditions. Also, the Man Overboard Analytics Detection System monitors manoverboard events and triggers immediate, actionable information to response personnel. Furthermore, intelligent cameras can detect the exact GPS location of the fall, mitigating risks even in unfavourable climatic conditions.

This solution has demonstrated not only measurable benefits but also an excellent ROI for existing customers. 

About MVP Tech

MVP Tech since its launch in 2003, has sought to revolutionise the security and IT systems integration industry in the Middle East. Operating at the forefront of innovation, MVP Tech has been experimenting and working with AI and video analytics for years, developing real-world applications for both private and public sectors. They were also among the first to deploy PSIM (Physical Security Information Management), now CSIM (Converged Security and Information Management) to provide real-time actionable information seamlessly to operators.