
Sherwin-Williams launches new pipe coating

The new coating resists erosion inside pipes located near fracking wellheads. (Image source: Sherwin-Williams)


Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine has launched the new Pipeclad Frac-Shun erosion-resistant coating (ERC) that protects against erosion inside pipes located near fracking wellheads, thereby extending their service life

The inner walls of pipes, especially elbows, located near wellheads can be eroded by fracking sandflows within six to 18 months, or sooner. Such erosion also occurs inside storage vessels and tanks where gritty, multiphase fluid flows strike interior surfaces, often leading to unexpected maintenance shutdowns following pipe wall thickness inspections.

Protection against sandblasting action

The patent pending erosion-resistant coating (ERC) technology protects pipe interiors from the inherent sandblasting action of grit moving rapidly through the pipes. The applied powder coating remains intact far longer than other options, protecting the steel pipes from the metal loss that otherwise leads to potential leaks and early pipe replacements in many operations.

“High velocity fluids containing sand, rocks and other debris moving through a coated fracking pipe create a sandblasting action that’s akin to removing coatings when preparing a surface for a new application,” said Kristin Leonard, Energy Segment director, Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine. “Once those coatings are gone, the steel will begin to erode instead. The new erosion-resistant coating system is able to withstand the impact of multiphase flows striking it without eroding or chipping away like most coatings. The ERC essentially spits the bullet back out after it’s fired at the surface. With the coating intact, abrasive fluids have no chance at eroding the steel.”

Lab tests and long-term field trials have confirmed the adhesion and chemical and erosion resistance characteristics of the new technology, the company says.