
AspenTech’s latest software helps manufacturers achieve operational excellence


AspenTech has announced the availability of aspenONE® Engineering and aspenONE® Manufacturing and Supply Chain Version 8.8 software

Developed for oil and gas, chemicals, engineering and construction and other process industries, aspenONE V8.8’s software features user-friendly, streamlined workflow innovations that allow users to minimise capital costs, improve plant productivity and boost operational profitability.

With this latest release, AspenTech said that it delivers the technology enhancements needed to achieve operational excellence, enabling leading global firms to improve margins, increase yields, meet customer demand, gain competitive advantage and implement innovation across the enterprise.

Some of aspenONE V8.8 software benefits include:

Capital and energy cost optimisation: Enhancements to Activated Analysis in Aspen HYSYS® and Aspen Plus® improve performance and usability. Fully integrated cost estimation, energy optimisation and heat exchanger design and rating (EDR) technology brings key information to the process simulation environment, allowing faster and more accurate optimal design selection earlier in the conceptual engineering phase.

Safety improvements: New relief load calculation enhancements for heat exchanger tube rupture, fire emergency and control valve failure expand relief sizing and safety modelling capabilities. Time to conduct pressure relief analysis is generally reduced by 50 per cent.

Lower operating costs: With the addition of the cubic plus association (CPA) fluid property package, V8.8 software more effectively models methanol behaviour to accurately predict hydrate formation, improving flow assurance in pipelines and meeting environmental regulations.

Optimised throughput and planning: New Naphtha Hydrotreater and Alkylation models create a complete refinery reactor and assay management suite from within Aspen HYSYS Petroleum Refining.

Energy savings: Polymers can be treated as solids below their melting points in Aspen Plus, allowing for accurate upstream and downstream modelling of solids production, including dewatering and drying.

Fast adaptation of controller strategy: The new Smart Tune technology lowers the barrier to controller design and maintenance by providing more insight into controller strategy and allows more users to set up and periodically reconfigure the optimiser more frequently with reduced workflow complexity.

Advanced campaign management and visualisation: The New Campaign Manager in Aspen Plant Scheduler™ enables speedy creation and scheduling of an ideal production sequence or product wheel.

Manolis Kotzabasakis, executive vice-president of research and development, AspenTech, said, “The aspenONE V8.8 software release offers significant performance and quality enhancements in several technical areas, including adaptive process control, relief sizing and revalidation, methanol partitioning in hydrocarbon modeling, and a complete suite of refinery reactor models. Additionally, our customers will experience improved deployment of these latest innovations that will enable them more quickly, efficiently and profitably to design, build and operate their manufacturing plants and supply chains.”

The V8.8 release of aspenONE Engineering and Manufacturing & Supply Chain software was launched commercially in May 2015.