
ABB help oil and gas decision makers with meaningful insight data


ABB offers new solution to help oil, gas and chemical decision makers extract meaningful insight from equipment condition data

The new ABB Ability AssetInsight gives oil, gas and chemicals decision makers a clearer, real-time picture of the health of their operating equipment via a web browser. It enables operators and supervisors to prioritize actions so they can better plan maintenance and operations strategies, with the goal of moving toward a more cost-effective predictive maintenance strategy.

Unlike other solutions that are limited to specific equipment or its components, ABB Ability AssetInsight gathers information from disparate systems across disciplines, from devices and instrumentation to automation to IT, to provide one aggregated view of condition status on a system-wide level.

“What’s unique about ABB AbilityTM AssetInsight is that it provides easy, secure access to data on any browser on a customer’s office network,” says Tone Grete Graven, ABB Ability AssetInsight product manager. “This helps foster collaborative problem solving and information sharing so everyone throughout an organization can stay up to date, no matter if they’re in the control room or working remotely.”

Managers and directors can benefit from clear insight into equipment condition for a resource or financial planning purposes. Maintenance and service personnel can begin transitioning to a predictive maintenance strategy for all critical assets.

“Transitioning to condition-based maintenance is a big benefit for producers,” says Graven. “By taking a predictive approach, rather than preventive, producers can optimize operations, reduce risk and cut costs. ABB Ability AssetInsight can be an important step to enabling that approach.”

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