
Huge new testing facility for Trouvay and Cauvin partner Viar Vavole

Viar Valvole, an established Italian manufacturer of floating and trunnion-mounted ball valves, has invested heavily in a new testing facility close to its factory in Sumirago. The company is represented by Trouvay and Cauvin Ltd

Eric Buchanan, managing director of Trouvay and Cauvin UK, commented, “Trunnion-mounted ball valves are often used in critical applications, such as oil and gas production and pipelines. Reliable performance, in demanding operating conditions, is vital and this new facility sets Viar Vavole at the forefront of testing, verification and quality assurance to meet production and compliance demands in several applications.”

Sealing and pressure containment are two critical areas for ball valves: Sub-sea applications are always sensitive, due to the potential impact on the marine environment and production conditions. Pressurised hyperbaric chambers provide special testing for performance verification at simulated depths, with the next phase in process for testing to 350 bar.

Oil and gas production presents other challenges for sealing across valve seats, especially when handling particulate matter, like sand or slurry. The sand/slurry testing loop installed by Viar Valvole ensures that the valves deliver highly reliable closure and isolation – even in the most erosive environment.

Full cryogenic testing is also available, performed to -196°C, and high pressure gas testing is enabled through an on-site liquid nitrogen plant capable of generating pressures up to 600 barg.

Finally, the overall manufacturing integrity of components is assured by thorough metallurgical testing, especially important for materials like Duplex and Super Duplex, where Norsok M650 may apply. A recent example of the rigour of Viar Vavole’s testing procedure occurred for a project in Algeria. This required Ferritescopic examination to ASTM E562; corrosion testing to ASTM A923 Method C and Charpy Impact testing in both transverse and longitudinal orientations – in addition to DPI, MPI and Ultrasonic examinations.

Eric Buchanan concluded, “Trouvay and Cauvin Ltd is delighted to be associated with Viar Valvole. Through this level of investment the company leads the way to ensure that Ball Valves comply with customer specification and meet the most demanding performance expectations.”

