
EasiDrive provides safe, economical valve operation, ideal for use in oil and gas processing industries

The EasiDrive portable valve actuator securely and effectively operates valves in oil refineries, power plants, paper mills and chemical processing facilities, even where adverse climates, such as arid and dry-desert environments, make operations more challenging

The combination of intense heat and a dry climate can make working conditions unfavourable; but with the EasiDrive, one operator can efficiently operate multiple valves with a single tool while reducing fatigue and injury risk. The tool is especially effective on valves that require a high number of turns or are otherwise difficult to operate because of high torque or where harsh environments make operations more difficult.

Mike Fynes, sales and marketing director at Smith Flow Control, stated, "We are pleased that we have been able to manufacture a portable solution as an alternative to a dedicated valve actuator that can be applied in the most challenging environments. Many of our customers across the Middle East are excited about our portable valve actuator range as they can already see the great benefit they will gain from using the EasiDrive system."

EasiDrive is a lightweight, portable and adaptable pneumatic tool. The tool’s custom engineered reaction device protects the user from the "kick" normally associated with other torque tools, eliminating the possibility of any injury associated with its operation.

EasiDrive also features a variable output torque, controlled by a choice of limited pre-set Filter Regulator (FRL) packs, which prevents excessive torque being applied and ensures proper and safe operation of the valve.