
World turns towards clean energy future: Thorsten Herdan


The world can achieve a cleaner energy future if everyone starts using natural gas for the time being, according to the World energy minister during the G20 summit in Argentina from 13-14 June 2018

During the meeting in Argentina, it was found that the use of natural gas will expand significantly over the coming decades. However, the group stated that opting renewable energy strategies should help in boosting the investment and financing within that arena.

Speaking to Bloomberg, Thorsten Herdan, director general of energy policy in Germany, expressed his view by saying that the gas will play a vital role in every transition. He further added that the next step should be the use of renewable gases such as hydrogen.

The language in the statement went through several rounds of negotiations. The EU nations and the US traded on four major proposals and counterproposals. The wording conceded by Herdan was fiercely debated.

According to the source, energy ministers acknowledged the importance of clean energy sources for being essential to achieve emissions reductions, in line with implementing Paris agreement.

Herdan further added that while the US is aiming to develop its coal sector, the world needs to shift from the fossil fuel to exploring more renewable sources.