
Sercel wins Middle East equipment contracts


Sercel has been awarded multiple major equipment contracts by BGP Inc., a worldwide leading geophysical services provider, for use in the Middle East

The contracts include the delivery of 54 Nomad 65 Neo vibrator trucks and 29,000 GPR300 seabed nodes. The equipment will be used this year on several major onshore and OBN seismic surveys conducted in the Middle East.

Emmanuelle Dubu, Sercel CEO, said, “These major equipment sales strengthen Sercel’s already long-established presence in the Middle East. We are particularly pleased to see our GPR300 nodal system continuing to gain ground as a preferred OBN solution. Featuring Sercel's field-proven QuietSeis broadband digital sensor technology, the GPR records the highest-quality data for the most accurate imaging in all seabed environments, including shallow water, as for this award in the Middle East. BGP's long-term loyalty reflects their complete satisfaction with our advanced technology and expertise.”