
SEAJET Systems signs manufacturing partnership with SMD


SEAJET Systems (SJS), a build to order controlled flow excavation (CFE) solutions provider, has signed a manufacturing partnership with Soil Machine Dynamics (SMD), a leading independent designer and manufacturer of specialist subsea intervention equipment

The partnership will see SMD exclusively build, test and commission the most advanced fleet of CFE equipment available in the market in its fully fitted production facility in Wallsend, Newcastle upon Tyne.  The agreement follows SJS’s launch in May 2021, where it offered the offshore energy industry the ability to own and operate CFE technology for the first time, from a team of leading subsea excavation and trenching industry experts.

Developed by optimising existing CFE technology, SJS introduces advanced hydrodynamic properties suitable for a wide range of applications and variable seabed conditions. SJS offers a tailored aftermarket support package to inspire client confidence to own, operate and maintain their own-in-house CFE equipment.

Paul Davison, deputy CEO at SMD, said, “CFE offers a range of opportunities in offshore wind oil and gas markets alongside our existing solutions. The SJS team know the technology and the market, and with our 50 years of experience, we bring build quality and after-care reassurance. Our complimentary teams and experience form a strong partnership which we in turn can offer to our clients.  We look forward to developing the technology and service with the SJS team."