
Omani biodiesel fuels the construction of first gas wellpad for PDO


Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) has completed the construction of the first-ever wellpad where all construction equipment utilised was fueled by Biodiesel

This accomplishment was attained in collaboration with Sarooj Construction Company (Sarooj) and Synergy Biodiesel. The constructed PDO gas wellpad is in the Saih Rawl region and was constructed by Sarooj.

“We are very proud of this achievement which was the result of innovative and collaborative work with Sarooj and Synergy BioFuels. We hope that it will pave the way for similar initiatives and projects as we continue to explore and develop new solutions to decarbonise our business,” said Abdullah Al Jabri, chief commercial projects officer in PDO.

“Sarooj has been committed to invest in transformative solutions to reduce emissions and greenhouse gases, and this project is one step in that direction,” commented Simon Karam, chairman of Sarooj Construction Company.

Sarooj is the first construction company in the MENA region to utilise the first Omani-produced Biodiesel to construct an oil and gas wellpad.

“We thank PDO and Sarooj for collaborating with Synergy to utilise its first batch of Omani-produced biodiesel in the oil and gas and construction sectors,” said Anthony Helou, CEO of Synergy