
Harris CapRock announces OnePath™ Wireless Radio


Harris CapRock Communications has launched its OnePath long-range wireless radio to address the growing demand for bandwidth in the cruise, energy and commercial maritime industries

The OnePath radio offers a unique mode of connectivity that is complementary to Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) technology, providing higher throughput and increased redundancy.

The radio enables a fully secure, localized wireless data/voice network complete with traffic management. It provides first/last mile connection and can close links in excess of 160 km with appropriate heights. Licensed or unlicensed spectrum options are available with throughputs of up to 400 mbps. It is equipped with operating modes for Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multi-Point applications.

“The OnePath radio solution offers best-in-class throughput performance and spectrum efficiency and is lightweight, rugged and easy to deploy,” said Matthew Broida, vice president, marketing, Harris CapRock. “It offers extremely low latency to ensure rapid delivery of high bandwidth applications including VoIP, real-time video, teleconferencing and sensor traffic.” 

The OnePath radio is part of Harris CapRock’s One Clear Path promise – offering a robust, always-on communications experience delivered by a secure, optimized network that is supported by a worldwide redundant infrastructure.