
Gardner Denver thunder series arrives in the Middle East


As a result of the partnership between Kuwait-based National Petroleum Services Company (NAPESCO) and Gardner Denver, Thunder Series pumps arrived in the country in October 2017

The partnership is in line with NAPESCO goal to expand into the fracking market. Aiman Al-Khabbaz, general manager of NAPESCO, said that the company uses Gardner Denver’s service through this strategic partnership and hopes that the innovation would help to provide quality products and services to the customers.

The Thunder Series of well service pumps aims to offer NAPESCO and other operators increased horsepower and rod-load with longer life and service intervals that are aligned with those of the engine and transmission. According to Gardner Denver, one of the major advantages to this new lineup is the 11-inch stroke. The additional 3 inches provides 37 per cent more flow per cylinder, per rotation of the pump.

The company said that the pumps focus on reducing the speed required achieving the same flow and pressure output of conventional shorter-stroke pumps. This means that the pumps accumulate fewer cycles over time which decreases the overall wear and tear.

“The result is longer time between scheduled maintenance intervals and a reduced rate of consumable part use, lessening the total cost of ownership and significantly reducing downtime,” said the company to the press.

Larry Kerr, vice president and general manager of the petroleum pumps division in Gardner Denver, announced the sale of these pumps in November 2016. He said that the company is looking forward to celebrating the fleet’s deployment with NAPESCO, Stewart & Stevenson and Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) during an event on 21 November 2017 at KOC.

From the point of the sale, NAPESCO has secured Houston-based Stewart & Stevenson to build the trailers and data van and Gardner Denver is all set to provide hands-on training for the NAPESCO and S&S Teams during the tests in Houston.