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Energy transition – the clue is in the name


The Middle East, with its historic role in supplying and utilising oil, now stands on the cusp of a new energy era

As global regulations and perceptions undergo a seismic shift, the region is presented with a unique opportunity to lead the energy transition.

With the demand for cleaner and more affordable energy continuing to rise, traditional power generation fuels are being increasingly challenged by greener alternatives. To facilitate this shift, oil and gas operators must follow a phased approach

The first step of this transition involves reducing diesel usage. For many years, diesel has been the driving force behind the powering of the various stages of a project's life cycle, but its reduction has become the focal point of numerous companies’ road to net zero.

By minimising diesel use, operators can take a crucial first step towards lowering emissions and saving on costs.

Subsequent phases involve a transition to gas power and alternative fuels, such as the exploitation of the Middle East’s vast potential for solar energy. This structured approach creates a manageable and achievable path towards net zero emissions.

Alongside these efforts, venturing into innovative technologies such as hybrid battery systems and virtual pipelines can also be beneficial. These initiatives contribute to a diversified energy portfolio that works in tandem with operators overarching sustainability objectives.

With this shift in mind, here at Aggreko we've developed an E-Guide to help businesses understand and navigate the energy transition. Our guide breaks down each phase of the transition, offering practical solutions for oil and gas operators in the Middle East.

So, whether you are taking the first steps towards reducing your carbon footprint, or are already well into your journey towards sustainability, our E-Guide is a valuable resource, filled with pragmatic solutions and insights to power your energy transition journey.

Learn more about how you can help pioneer the energy transition in the Middle East by downloading our E-Guide here.

Together, let's power a sustainable future for the Middle East.