
Employment report shows a return of confidence in the oil and gas market


After a tough four years, new research by recruiter NES Global Talent and shows that for the first time since 2014, the oil and gas industry expects more new jobs to be created than lost over the next 12 months

Since the price of oil drop in 2014, it is estimated that more than 440,000 jobs have been cut in the oil and gas sector worldwide. However, with the price of oil having stabilised since July 2017, new research by recruiter NES Global Talent and shows that almost 90 per cent of employers expect staffing levels to either increase or remain the same in 2018.

The survey shows that in total almost 60 per cent of employers expects to recruit significantly over the next 12 months. Of those almost a quarter (23 per cent) of employers expect to increase their workforce by 5 per cent; 19 per cent expect to increase staffing by between 5 and 10 per cent; and 17 per cent by more than 10 per cent.

Almost a third (30 per cent) of employers expect staffing levels to remain the same and just 11 per cent of employers expect to cut jobs.

In total NES Global Talent and surveyed more than 3,000 employers and almost 7,000 workers as part of their Oil and Gas Outlook 2017 report.

Tig Gilliam, CEO of NES Global Talent, said: “Globally we are now increasingly confident that the market supports increased investment in the energy sector.  Energy companies with the support of their partners have right-sized their organisations for the current levels of activity.  With a stabilised price environment and lower cost profile, more and more assets offer attractive returns on investment and operations.  This increasing activity is leading the higher performing companies to refocus on recruiting quality people to lead and deliver value.”

“While this activity is being led by a sharp increase in investment in U.S. shale, there has also been an uptick in capital projects being approved which will positively impact the industry across all regions. With our own staff operating in over 60 countries, the increasingly positive tone of our clients and contractors is a welcome signal of the turnaround in the market and the participants in this survey echo that sentiment.”