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De Nora wins contract for supply of hypochlorite generation technology


De Nora, an Italian multinational company specialised in sustainable electrochemical technologies and in the emerging green hydrogen industry, has won a contract to provide its on-site hypochlorite generation technology for biofouling control at a major offshore gas production compression complex in the Gulf

The project, which aims to increase LNG production by 43% once complete next year, will include two SEACLOR seawater electrochlorination (SWEC) systems, providing safe and reliable water treatment without the addition of hazardous chemicals for two compression platforms supplied by SAIPEM.

The SEACLOR systems will produce sodium hypochlorite from seawater using an electric current applied to the De Nora proprietary DSA electrodes. The technology continuously injects hypochlorite into water streams, ensuring effective biofouling control and avoiding the handling and storage of chemicals.

As a pioneer of seawater electrochlorination technology, De Nora has delivered more than 1,200 seawater installations in 60 countries.