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Alderley sign licensing agreement with Energy Recovery


Alderley has announced a 10-year licensing agreement with Energy Recovery Inc to be the system integrator of its innovative IsoBoost and IsoGen systems for gas processing and pipeline applications in the Middle East

The centrifugal products will enable clients to generate or save energy and will further strengthen Alderley’s offering to oil and gas operators in the Middle East. Having operated in the Middle East for over 20 years, Alderley will use their local knowledge and proven expertise in system/skid integration to ensure all package designs which include this new product offering are fit for the Middle Eastern environment and meet local customer specifications across Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Iraq and Iran.

Mark Colebrook, Chief Executive Officer, Alderley commented, “Alderley is excited to be working with Energy Recovery Inc. (ERII) in the selling of their innovative and proven centrifugal products along with driving adoption and installation of these products in the Middle East.  Alderley have been growing their product offering both upstream and downstream over the past 18 months and this agreement strengthens our strategy to expand beyond our current business and give value-add to our clients.”

Energy Recovery’s President and CEO Joel Gay stated, “Alderley’s distribution channel, project management, and product delivery expertise, coupled with our technology will make a potent combination in further institutionalizing hydraulic energy recovery solutions within the target region.  We are therefore delighted to be working with Alderley and making yet another step toward realizing and unlocking the value of our long-term strategy within the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries.”