
Saudi Aramco to tap two new oilfields

Exploration & Production

Saudi Aramco has announced that it plans to develop two onshore oilfields by 2017 as Saudi Arabia attempts to maintain its longer-term capacity

The increased capacity from Khurais and Shaybah oilfields, by a total of 550,000 bpd, is expected to take the strain off Ghawar, reportedly the world’s largest conventional oilfield, according to industry sources.

This project, however, will not be intended to raise Saudi Arabia’s production capacity beyond the current 12.5mn bpd, the sources added.

Sadad Al Hussaini, former top executive at Saudi Aramco, said, “The targeted area includes the two fields south of Khurais, Abu Jiffan and Mazalij, which are smaller complex fields that have not produced much oil in past years.

“As for Shaybah field, they want to mainly raise production from the south where the reservoir is less productive and to gather large volumes of additional natural gas liquids, which are recovered from the associated gas.”

Saudi Aramco, meanwhile, continues to invest in new production projects in order to increase its options and take pressure off big fields including Abqaiq, which have been the main source of wealth for the economy for decades.

According to Hussaini, the expansion plans would require new oil and gas processing facilities and a dedicated pipeline to transport natural gas liquids from Shaybah.

Khurais is said to contain Arab light crude, which is easily converted into transport fuels.



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