
Rockwell introduces multi-well pad solution for oil and gas producers

Exploration & Production

Rockwell Automation has introduced multi-well pad solutions for oil and gas producers, aiming to achieve easy implementation, real-time data visibility, production efficiency and reduced costs

With technical advancement in drilling activities transforming oil and gas operations from simplistic single-well pad fields to more complex multi-well pads, the new well manager solution aims to provide a single solution for all control functionality throughout a well pad, said the company.

According to the company, it leverages one controller for all well pad operations, including rod pumps and plunger lifts, electrical submersible pumps, progressing cavity pumps, natural flowing wells and more.

“Shifting all operations to one controller from a single vendor reduces maintenance costs, helps with revision control and streamlines training and support,” said Rockwell.

Marcus Toffolo, global sales lead for oil and gas in Rockwell Automation, commented, “Modular and scalable, this solution helps ease integration with existing systems and other Rockwell Automation applications, including energy management and intelligent power integration. It also helps lower costs and cut installation time for improved lifecycle management.”

The well manager is scalable and can support up to 32 wells in one location with flow management, artificial lift control and site-wide data visibility, Toffolo further added.

In addition, the solution also aims to enable self-declaring wells to be automatically discovered and integrated into the production environment. This auto-discovery feature removes the need of human interaction, aiming to reducing risk of error and dependencies on special skill sets.

Rockwell’s well manager solution is part of the broader ConnectedProduction which aims to help in connecting all existing automation systems and intelligent field equipment from the wellhead and surface processing to custody transfer.

Rockwell stated that the full ConnectedProduction offering including the well manager solution will be showcased and demonstrated using live customer examples at the upcoming Automation Fair event from Rockwell Automation on 15-16 November 2017 in Houston.