
Packers Plus and BP Oman achieve operational efficiencies in HPHT wells

Exploration & Production

Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. has announced recent developments with BP Oman Exploration (Epsilon) Ltd. Collaborations include development of a customised completion system, successful installation and subsequent stimulation of two high pressure/high temperature (HPHT) wells in Omans Khazzan field

The first well showed encouraging results as the target rate was met after pumping only three of the planned six stages. Other noted benefits include lower fracture initiation pressures and operational efficiency leading to further trials and optimisations for open hole completions going forward.

Having used cased hole plug and perf systems previously, BP Oman wanted to trial an open hole system that would increase near wellbore conductivity, reduce treating pressures and be robust enough to function in temperatures up to 350 °F (176 °C) and working differential pressures of 15,000 psi (103 MPa). Packers Plus worked on upgrading its field proven StackFRAC® Titanium® XV open hole ball-drop HPHT system to meet the operator's requirements.

The engineering design, construction, QA/QC program, testing, and procurement were accomplished in just over four months, producing customised, corrosion-resistant tools operational at temperature and pressure specifications exceeding those of the wellbore parameters

Following a successful installation of a six-stage system on the first well, the first three stages were stimulated and the well was flowed back. Initial production from those stages surpassed expectations and prompted BP Oman to forego the remaining three stages in the first well. Best practices from the first installation were transferred to the second completion, leading to significant improvement of installing and stimulating the four-stage open hole multistage lower completion.

The effectiveness of the Titanium XV RockSEAL® open hole packers for zonal isolation was verified using tracer technology on both wells. Furthermore, the ePlus™ Retina monitoring system was used to verify downhole events on both installations. BP Oman is using this innovative monitoring service on their open hole completions work scope to promote operational efficiencies as they further develop the Khazzan Field in Block 61.

"The successful collaboration between BP Oman and Packers Plus resulted in an exceptional completion program for the region. We look forward to continuing to adapt customized, high efficiency, multistage HPHT completions in the Middle East and North Africa, which will drive operational efficiencies, enhance production and optimize overall well economics," said Packers Plus President, Ian Bryant.