
Oil companies submit technical surveys for development of Iran's Azadegan oilfield

Exploration & Production

The chief executive officer of Irans Petroleum Engineering and Development Company (PEDEC) said that Total, Inpex and Petronas have submitted findings and development proposals for the South Azadegan field in Iran

Noureddine Shahnazizadeh, CEO of Pedex said on 10 June that, "France's Total, Japan's Inpex and Malaysia's Petronas have submitted their findings along with development proposals for the giant South Azadegan field." 

He went on to say that Royal Dutch Shell, Italian oil and gas firm Eni and CNPC, China's largest integrated energy company, as other contenders for the oilfield. 

Reuters have reported that "Tehran is looking to ramp up its crude output and with 37 bn barrels of oil, the Azadegan field is Iran’s largest, shared with its neighbor Iraq. It is located in southern Iran, 80 km west of the Khuzestan provincial city of Ahvaz." 

Currently, the South Azadegan field produces around 80,000 bpd, but the plans in place are designed to double this output by the end of March 2018. 

Finacial Tribune have stated that 'a letter published this month outlined Iran's oil and gas production plans, and that Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said Tehran expects to sign 10 oil and gas deals based on the IPC framework in the near future.'