
ADNOC plans new crude blend for export

Exploration & Production

Oil industry sources have claimed that Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has plans to blend oil, produced from two fields in UAE, to create a new export crude named Das from 2014

According to a Reuters report, from April next year crude from Lower Zakum and Umm Shaif fields will be combined into the new grade known as Das. The API will be about 39 degrees.

“It makes sense to consolidate as the oil produced are of relatively small volumes and similar quality,” a source added.

Oil output from Lower Zakum field, which has an API gravity of 40.5 degrees and a sulphur content of 1.04 per cent, is around 350,000 bpd. Umm Shaif field produces 280,000 bpd and has a weight of 36.9 degrees and 1.44 per cent sulphur.

An ADNOC official added that the plan is still being finalised. It has not, however, been made clear how the Das blend crude will be priced.