
Safe communication in digitally networked plants of the future

Event News

With HIPRO-S V2, HIMA introduces first-of-its-kind safety protocol for efficiently migrating existing plants to new systems

To help the process industry migrate to tomorrow’s digitally networked plants, HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH will introduce at ACHEMA 2015 in Frankfurt, Germany, a new protocol that enables Ethernet-based, safety-related communication (SIL 3). Now, safe communication is enabled between the company’s three controller families - HIMatrix, HIMax and HIQuad.

“HIMA supports the incremental digitalisation of our customers’ plants with very clear migration paths,” said Peter Sieber, vice-president of global sales at HIMA. “Customers can select and combine the best HIMA controller for their application and know that the safe, reliable and fast networking of HIPRO-S V2 and safeethernet will allow them to efficiently operate their digitally networked plant, even in the future. The HIPRO-S V2 protocol will help to accelerate commissioning and ensure the fast restart of the plant and reduce the risk of delays. A long service life, and thus optimum investment protection, are guaranteed.”

HIMA SeptSeparate certification is not necessary
HIPRO-S V2 does not need a separate certificate, as it is a component of HIQuad, HIMax and HIMatrix controllers and is covered by their certificates. HIPRO-S V2 can be implemented universally.

Like safe ethernet, HIPRO-S V2 uses UDP packets. These packets can be transmitted via standard Ethernet infrastructures, such as switches, firewalls, WLANs or devices, that are suitable for Ex zones. Use of these proven, industrial infrastructure components (COTS) enables economical and reliable solutions.

HIMA safety protocols are distinct in that they can be operated in the same network with non-safe protocols; for example, Modbus TCP or the connection via OPC. Controllers can also be programmed via this network. This helps to reduces costs in generating and maintaining the network infrastructure.

Visit HIMA at Stand No. 8723 Hall No. 8 at ADIPEC 2015 – being held at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, Abu Dhabi from 9 to 12 November 2015.