The 21st World LNG Summit & Awards Evening, recognised as the industry’s end of year meeting, will be held from 1-4 December 2020, focusing on LNG demand recovery and the role of gas in the energy transition
Event News
Iraq Petroleum Conference returns with an online event on 21-22 October
For more than 14 years, Iraq Petroleum has continued to be the main independent platform for Iraq’s oil and gas industry, engaging and responding to existing and future challenges
COVID-19 accelerates technology adoption in oil and gas projects
‘Leveraging the Power of Technology for Oilfield Optimization’ webinar, organised by Microsoft and Africa Oil & Power, has examined how digital applications are capable of uniting real-time data with advanced analytics
Spotlight on identifying oil spills with polarization technology at NNTC online event
Pavel Tatarintsev, head of research and development at NNTC, will highlight how polarisation technology helps rapidly recognise and identify oil spills with outstanding accuracy in an online event on 30 September
Gas industry has critical role to play in achieving net zero carbon emissions: Gastech Virtual Summit
Gastech Virtual Summit Strategic Conference has presented exclusive critical insights from ministers, policy makers, business leaders, disrupters and innovators on the global gas, LNG and energy industry