
Spotlight on identifying oil spills with polarization technology at NNTC online event

Event News

Pavel Tatarintsev, head of research and development at NNTC, will highlight how polarisation technology helps rapidly recognise and identify oil spills with outstanding accuracy in an online event on 30 September

Oil spills, causing huge reputational and financial losses to oil producers, can badly damage the equipment of desalination plants thus endangering water supplies, which are expensive to clean up and always disastrous for the environment. The later the oil spill is detected, the higher are the amounts spilled. Fast detection of oil spills directly affects their cost and helps deliver a cost-effective response. 

The event on “To track an oil spill, think like an oil spill” will focus on:

Identifying both crude and refined oils (including diesel and kerosene)

Day and night capabilities

Detection in waves and calm water

How to operate the system mounted on a shore, vessel, or a flying drone

Live demo of the oil spill detection

Time: 11:00 am GMT+4 

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