
Kanoo Energy throws the spotlight on innovative solutions for the energy sector

Event News

With a range of new products, Kanoo Energy brought the company’s technology additions and sustainable energy solutions to visitors at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC) 2021, which took place in Abu Dhabi from 15-18 November

The business unit of Kanoo Industrial & Energy has been participating at ADIPEC for the last two decades.

“ADIPEC being the biggest energy platform, is hence of very high significance to us. We use ADIPEC to engage in several industry-led conversations to address the concerns and cater to the rising demands,” said Ali Abdulla Kanoo, president of Kanoo Industrial & Energy. 

“The global pandemic has drawn increased attention to climate policy and economic resilience. Industries are witnessing the shift towards a smarter and more sustainable future. ADIPEC has continued providing opportunities for businesses to meet, learn and discover new products and technologies in their respective industries. We are committed to continue for the growth of energy sector and create new opportunities by strengthening our relationships and network across the whole energy sector.”

At the event, which welcomed around 100,000 visitors in-person this year, Kanoo Energy presented innovative solutions such as the reverse engineering and 3D printing from Imaginarium and AI-based corrosion monitoring solution from Corrosion Radar from the UK amongst others.

“Abu Dhabi is a major contributor to the UAE’s GDP and hence is an automatic focus market for us. With the Abu Dhabi hydrocarbon sector, being the major GDP contributor, any opportunity to showcase into that sector is important for us. The number of new opportunities, including investment by the private sector, that are today available in the energy sector further enhances this interest.”

As well as strengthening existing partnerships and building new ones, the company’s focus for this year remains on showcasing its strategy and solutions that resonate with the global and regional attempts to harness technology driven by innovation. 

Following the deep concerns discussed at COP26, ADIPEC was used as a forum for players in the regional energy sector to bring under the spotlight solutions that can drive the global ambition of net-zero carbon emissions. Kanoo Energy highlighted such new and relevant technologies such as the direct air carbon capture and storage system (DAC) that helps in reducing CO2 from the atmosphere, and thus reduce the greenhouse effects.

“With the growing urban areas and smart cities becoming the new reality, greenhouse gas emissions are likely to grow along with them. The challenge is to ensure that our smart cities become greener while we manage the challenges imposed. Advancements in renewable energy and electric vehicles have already led to significant reductions in carbon emissions. Carbon emissions are being reduced by generating power on-site with renewables and other climate-friendly energy resources. Some of the recent innovations like rooftop solar panels, solar water heating, small-scale wind generation, fuel cells powered by natural gas or renewable hydrogen are contributing positively to cope up with the issues of carbon emission,” explained Mr Kanoo.

Kanoo Energy remains at the forefront when it comes to corrosion solutions in oil, gas, refining and petrochemical industry and investing in technological innovations to address issues such as emissions reduction.

“We are currently engaged in strategising, investing into new talent, building cooperation with various OEM’s and clients to source new technologies and exchange expertise and know-how, as well as contributing to building national capacities in energy technologies,” said Mr Kanoo. This involves Kanoo Group investing into renewable energy, gas fired power solutions, the Internet of Things (IoT), using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in energy production, 3D printing, additive manufacturing, and so on. 

As well as the existing value-added solutions, the company’s principal partners were also one of the key highlights of their participation at ADIPEC including Woodfield, Imaginarium, Corrosion Radar, Altanova, Filtervac, UVEX, Clarke Valves, and LPS.

Established over two decades ago, Kanoo Energy offers engineered products and services and specialty lubricants products, corrosion inhibitors, machine tools, hand tools, hand tools, PPE, and height safety gear. It provides sustainable solutions to utility companies and the GCC industrial sector as a whole, through smart engineering and value-added services, and is a leading vendor to major utility companies, refineries, petrochemical companies and general industries right across the GCC region.

Through its strategic partnerships and alliances with leading companies around the world, Kanoo Energy supplies and services products such as gas turbine parts, spares and consumables; electrical equipment; diagnostic equipment and services for predictive maintenance, life assessment and motion control products.

Kanoo Industrial & Energy is part of The Kanoo Group and The Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo Group, providing engineering services to core sectors including oil & gas, power, utility, mining, and construction across Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, and Oman. The Group also has more than 30 joint ventures in the region.