
Focus on operational excellence and safety at conferences in Bahrain

Event News

The industry are meeting in Bahrain at two of the region’s leading events, OPEX MENA and the Gulf Safety Forum, to be held in the last week of March

Organised under the Patronage of Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, minister of oil, and co-hosted by the National Oil & Gas Authority (NOGA), the events are expected to focus on oil, ags and petrochemical industry in the region.

From 26 - 27 March 2018, participants will discuss practices for creating competitive advantage and maximising profitability of their assets at the fifth OPEX MENA conference. This will include presentations by leading operators such as Bapco, Petro Rabigh, S-Chem, Saudi Aramco, Sipchem, Satorp and Tasnee as well as cutting-edge consultants and service providers such as DuPont Sustainable Solutions, Honeywell, Solomon Associates, Dekra, Schneider Electric and Wood.

From 28 - 29 March 2018, representatives from diverse industry sectors including oil, gas, petrochemicals, construction and manufacturing will gather at the Gulf Safety Forum to discuss strategies for continuous improvement of safety procedures as well as share successful case studies and roadmaps towards achieving the goal of zero accidents.

Mark Eggleston, PTAI Director of the Middle East and Europe, stressed that the process safety benchmark helps companies understand how well they are implementing industry guidelines on process safety. Results can help participants target and prioritise areas of needed improvement. The forum will also cover regulatory environment and safety standards, workforce competence and behavioural safety amongst other important subjects.

Operational efficiency and safety are of paramount importance for companies across all sectors. Only when organisations decide to build long-term stability and sustainability into their operational strategies and invest into safety culture that focuses on reliability, workforce competence and operational readiness, will they be equipped to weather the downturns and capitalise on upswings in a measured and profitable way.

The events will also provide opportunities for one-to-one discussion with leading experts thus providing a platform for gaining and sharing knowledge related to improving operational efficiency and safety, both at leadership level and in manufacturing operations.