
Durably identify pipes in any facility anywhere

Event News

Pipe markers show important information when and where it matters. They can make a plant visually compliant and dramatically increase the safety of both employees and contractors

They can act as a live blueprint for a plant, assisting engineers in deciding where and when to intervene. Should a leak occur, well implemented pipe markers will highlight potential leak sources for a quick and adequate reaction.  Find out more about best practice in identifying pipes in our free Guide Book!

Go for Zero

Pipe markers immediately inform professionals what to expect, even when they are unfamiliar with a specific plant. A simple tap could contain water, but might just as well hold pressurised steam, oil or gas. Pipe markers are indispensable in an ambitious Go for Zero programme that aims to reduce workplace accidents to an absolute minimum. In most countries, pipe markers are also required by law. Brady offers durable professional pipe markers to achieve compliance with any standard and to support companies on their journey towards world-class safety at work.

How to best identify pipes?brady adipec booklet

The pipe identification guide book offers insight in the advantages of clearly identified pipes, refers to the legal requirements and various norms for pipe markers, highlights factors that determine pipe marker durability and design and includes tips on how to best apply pipe markers.

Download the Pipe Identification Guidebook!

New Pipemarkers for every environment 

Clearly visible and legible pipe markers that indicate pipe contents and flow direction can increase efficiency for maintenance crews in finding the pipes that need servicing and the valves they need to shut down. Next to increasing efficiency, pipe markers help to avoid accidents by warning employees, contractors and first responders for dangerous pipe contents.  Brady’s pipe markers are offered in any colour combination to achieve compliance with every plant's pipe marking standard. Industries can choose the quality level they need, the colours, messages and symbols to be printed on the pipe marker and a pipe marker attachment system with, or without adhesive.

Brady offers its pipe markers in any colour combination to achieve compliance with every plant's pipe marking standard, including local, industry or company specific standards. Industries can choose the quality level they need, the colours, messages and symbols to be printed on the pipe marker and a pipe marker attachment system with, or without adhesive aligned with the needs of any facility, anywhere in the world.

Find out more and visit BRADY booth H 13 - 13075 at ADIPEC 2017! Brady stand oil review middle east

At ADIPEC 2017, Brady will showcase its safety and ID solutions including high performance labels, industrial label printers, software, safety & facility identification, spill control, Lockout Tagout solutions, pipemarkings and more. Brady helps you create and maintain safer work environments and comply with regulatory standards. Our high-performance materials clearly identify products, components and other assets, even in the most extreme conditions.