
Yokogawa launches new software to monitor data with ease


Yokogawa Electric Corporation has launched FAST/TOOLS R10.02, a web-based real time operations management and visualisation software package

The software can manage large amounts of data, and reduce the engineering of large geographically dispersed systems, making it relevant to the oil and gas, midstream and petrochemicals industries in addition to renewable energy, power, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, food, iron and steel, water supply and wastewater treatment sectors too.

Nobuaki Konishi, head of the PA systems business centre at Yokogawa’s IA platform business headquarters said, “Yokogawa has embarked on a new approach to concurrent engineering management that will speed up project execution by making it possible for engineering to be carried out simultaneously from any location. This includes the ability to take part in factory acceptance tests from any remote location. R10.02 offers significant enhancements in engineering efficiency and functionality that give our customers greater flexibility in how they work.”

According to Yokogawa, there is a rising need for the integration of various disciplines and functions required for the delivery of human-centric information solutions. The aim is to connect sensors, devices and plant facilities, in order to allow remote access of data from anywhere. The FAST/TOOLS enterprise automation platform addresses these needs by offering comprehensive solutions for the deployment, operation, and monitoring of control system environments. This will help companies make faster decisions, reduce total cost of ownership (TCO), and achieve operational excellence.

The software’s main goals can be achieved through the use of an expansive IT network. When installed on any of the servers belonging to an enterprise’s automation system, the Yokogawa module facilitates intuitive and centralised concurrent engineering and application deployment, with engineers and other project personnel being able to access the same up-to-date project information on their displays.

The R10.02 includes an embedded RDBMS engine, ideal for use in the enterprise automation environment, where data sharing is often required over multiple servers and domains and where there is a bi-directional exchange of data with external sources and within multiple environments. The embedded RDBMS engine allows for the parallel archiving and storage of data in a local historical database as well as the central RDBMS.

With the complexity of enterprise environments, there is a tendency for alarms to go off at a higher frequency. The Yokogawa software has in it a function that inhibits issuance of alarms based on limit settings, said the company.

In addition, users who sign in to the system thorugh their OS login credentials are allowed access to data and controls based on their role and the location of their assets.