
Wild Well Control upgrades subsea capping stacks


Wild Well Control, an energy services company, has announced a new contract with geo-data specialist Fugro to provide BOP intervention skills and test units for inclusion in its subsea response kit

As part of the WellCONTAINED subsea capping stack programme, Fugro’s new 450/150 Mark 3 BOP intervention will improve both pumping capability and water depth rating and replace inventory equipment.

Doug Graham, Fugro’s ROV services and tooling global director, explained that Fugro BOP technology offers Wild Well multiple benefits such as full skid testing without ROV requirement, the ability to interface to most work class ROV systems, and a tailor-made self-contained storage and maintenance container.

“Deployments of the skid system to date have included full functional testing on a Fugro ROV at 3,800 m water depth. The BOP system is depth rated to 4,000 m,” he added.

Chris LeCompte, Wild Well’s general manager of WellCONTAINED, stated, “This new equipment supports our initiative to provide a comprehensive subsea capping and containment program for operators worldwide. We are excited that this field-proven equipment enhances our kit while also supporting the increased 3,800-meter depth rating of our capping stack equipment.”

In both Aberdeen and Singapore, the WellCONTAINED inventory is staged in a ready-to-deploy state. The equipment at each location includes complete subsea well intervention systems, including a subsea capping stack, debris removal shears, hardware kits for the subsea application of dispersant and inhibition fluids, and other ancillary equipment.