
Wild Well Control offers new deepwater well solution


Well control and subsea containment company Wild Well Control Inc (WWCI) has unveiled its new deepwater incident control solution

The new WellCONTAINED system enables users to run through preparedness, prevention, response and recovery in case a deepwater well control incident occurs. 

WWCI president Freddy Gebhardt said, “As oil and gas companies intensify their exploration and production into ever more challenging environments WellCONTAINED provides them with the critical support and capability they need.”

The company recently held a three-day WellCONTAINED System member training programme at their Aberdeen base to discuss preparedness methods, emergency response planning issues and also enabled participants to become accustomed with the systems.

Preparedness is fundamental to exploration and production in the 21st century and beyond, and is at the forefront both in terms of equipment and personnel, the organisation said.

A participating member company commented, “It's a great opportunity to see what’s best practice in deepwater drilling and most importantly, what options we have if things go wrong and prevent things going wrong, preparation is everything.”

Wild Well Control has injected approximately US$40mn in the WellCONTAINED system solution and has continued to invest in the UK.