
Seeq expands support for oil and gas industry data storage systems


Seeq, a specialist in manufacturing and industrial internet of things (IIoT) advanced analytics software, has expanded support for oil and gas industry data storage systems to enable advanced analytics and faster data-based decision making in the current challenging environment

Seeq’s comprehensive set of applications for analysing process manufacturing data include Workbench for easy-to-use advanced analytics, Organizer for report and dashboard publishing insights, and Data Lab for Python libraries access. Seeq applications empower engineers and experts to investigate, collaborate and share insights for improving operations and business outcomes.

According to CygNet, their SCADA platform is specifically designed for the oil and gas industry, providing a quick launch that collapses deployment time, saves millions of dollars in implementation costs, reduces the risk of IT projects, and delivers the fastest time to value for industry. Customers who use Seeq together with CygNet will be able to obtain quicker insights with predictive, diagnostic and descriptive analytics.

Wellsite Information Transfer Markup Language (WITSML) is an industry initiative designed to provide open, non-proprietary standard interfaces for transmitting data from rig sites to operators' offices, oilfield service companies, and integraters. It is also used for information sharing between partners , vendors, and government agencies.

Will Knight, global lead for Seeq Partner Programmes, said, “Seeq connectivity to these oil and gas industry data sources will help companies tap advanced analytics for data-based decision making at a critical time in the industry.

“The need for innovation is tremendous, so we appreciate the efforts of our system integrator partners, such as TIGA, to assist customers in unlocking the value in their data.”

All of the browser-based Seeq applications—Organizer, Workbench, and Data Lab—connect to a shared Seeq server to enable collaboration, access connected data sources, and enable administrative control. For example, graphics created in Data Lab may be viewed in Organiser Topics, data modelled in Workbench may be accessed by Data Lab users, and Data Lab algorithm results are available for use in the other Seeq applications.