
Schlumberger launches new coiled tubing services


Schlumberger released the latest additions to the ACTive family of coiled tubing (CT) services.

The ACTive gamma ray (GR) and ACTive tension and compression (TC) make up a new downhole platform that allows operators to obtain a variety of downhole measurements to enable real-time decisions and operational control.

The new platform delivers downhole measurements specifically for internal and external pressure, temperature, casing-collar locator (CCL) depth correlation and optional gamma ray or tension and compression, all in real time. Premium pressure measurements and modularity enable increased confidence and overall job efficiency during CT interventions.

"The ACTive service allows operators to optimize stimulation design, reduce time on location and improve operational success. Additionally, raw reservoir properties are measured and downhole tool status can also be provided with the latest ACTive family additions," said Dominique Malard, president, Schlumberger Well Services.

"This knowledge translates to the optimization of resources and increased production."

On-depth perforating and effective placement of packers is achieved through real-time depth correlation against the formation with a pump-through GR module. Wellbore and reservoir depth correlation can also be achieved with these latest ACTive family additions, as well as the industry's first pump-through, pressure compensated downhole tension and compression measurements.

Depth accuracy for precision applications such as perforating and zonal isolation is given with the combination of the real-time collar location and GR measurements.

Saudi Aramco was looking for a solution to decrease water cut and revive oil production in a slanted openhole producer well that was drilled and completed in 2002. The ACTive in-well live performance service was selected, including the ACTive TC and ACTive GR, in combination with the CoilFLATE coiled tubing through-tubing packer, to isolate the production zone from the water source and create a precise cement placement.

The well was successfully revived, with postjob production rising to 13,500 bbl/d of oil with just 10 per cent water cut on a fully open choke.

The ACTive family of services provides live downhole measurements that are conveyed on a fiber-optic enabled CT. The system is made up of a bottomhole assembly, surface electronics and dynamic interpretation software.

The ACTive family offers solutions for various applications such as matrix acidizing, wellbore cleanout, perforating, zonal isolation, lift operations and Distributed Temperature Survey profiling.