
Saipem continues restoration activities of its infrastructure


Saipem reports that the restoration activities of its infrastructures, hit by the cyber-attack communicated on 10 December 2018, have continued according to a tested and consolidated protocol and are near completion

Saipem also confirmed that there has been no theft or loss of data and that, therefore, no hindrance is expected to the prosecution of the ordinary activity.

The Italian oil and gas industry contractor Saipem has announced that it had identified a cyber attack against some of its server systems in the Middle East.

Servers in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait had been attacked as too, partially, had the infrastructure in Aberdeen in Scotland, the company revealed. However, the servers in its main operating centres in Italy, France and Britain had not been affected.

Saipem is one of the leading drilling services providers across the globe. The company also provides engineering, procurement, construction and installation of pipelines and complex projects, onshore and offshore, in the global oil and gas market.