
Probe launches ProMAC series tools


Probe, a supplier of cased-hole logging and advanced monitoring technology for the global oil and gas and geothermal industries, has launched ProMAC, a new series of multi-arm caliper tools

The series tools offer the most advanced measurements in the industry to provide an accurate profile of the inner surface of the tubing, casing and completion assemblies.

The supplier stated that this is the latest addition to Probe’s growing range of well integrity solutions that help operators identify mineral deposition, corrosion, wear and mechanical deformation.

ProMAC series delivers highly sensitive, accurate multi-arm caliper measurements across a wide range of casing and tubing diameters with a vertical resolution of 0.0001-inch and excellent temperature stability.

Transmission of high-density data is made possible by Probe’s digital (HD) telemetry resulting in logs with excellent vertical resolution in keeping with the industry standards.

Federico Casavantes, CEO of Probe, said, “With ProMAC sampling at 50 times per second, the operator can acquire precise log data with high vertical resolution.”

“Engineering advances have reduced the time required to calibrate and characterise to just a half-day. This is a very significant improvement. Minimising electronics and sensor exposure to elevated temperatures helps reduce premature failures, saving time and money,” he added.

According to Probe, it’s the first time in many years that a mature technology, such as the multi-arm caliper, has been engineered with patented technologies; one that was long overdue.

“We recognised the critical importance of an accurate multi-arm caliper log, and the fact that it is a highly sensitive, temperature-dependent measurement, so we set out to design an industry-leading tool by focusing on measurement quality and manufacturability from inception,” noted Casavantes.

The first in the series, the ProMAC 24 tool, is now commercially available. The 1-11/16-inch OD tool accurately maps the internal condition of production tubing, casing and completion jewellery within a measurement range of 1.69 to 7.0 inches.

The launched of the ProMAC series signals a step-change in logging for those seeking the optimum integrity solution.