
Plexus sealing system completes extreme temperature test


Plexus has announced that its POS-GRIP ‘HG’ sealing system has successfully completed an extreme temperature verification programme from -75 to +400°F

Plexus, an oil and gas engineering services company, stated that the tests verified by Lloyds Register exceeded API 6A temperature class ranges of ‘K’ (-75 to +180°F) and ‘X’ (0 to 350°F).

The company claims that no other wellhead sealing system can perform under the same punishing conditions in a single test run.

The ‘HG’ seal is a one-design system, meaning the same seal can be used in all wellhead products. Plexus said this not only simplifies and reduces the cost of new products developed using ‘HG’ sealing but also offers unrivalled performance over its competitors across all temperature and pressure classes.

Craig Hendrie, Plexus technical director, said, “There is no other wellhead system or technology out there which can cope with the full range of severe cold and intense heat through these test cycles. What these tests prove is what our results have told us for a long time - that the Plexus system has a seal quality which is unrivalled, and this further demonstrates the seal integrity which, through eliminating downtime, will have the potential to save operators tens of millions of pounds in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over the life of a project.

These exceptional test results represent the next stage in wellhead development, where we are all focussed on safety and cost-effective drilling.”

Earlier this year, Plexus joined forces with Bel Valves, to provide surface trees and wellhead annulus valves to complement Plexus’ existing surface wellhead product line. The complete production package will use advanced technology to reduce repair, intervention and life of field costs.