
M-I SWACO introduces wellbore debris removal tool


M-I SWACO released the WELL SCAVENGER vacuum debris removal tool, which is designed specifically to capture and remove debris from the wellbore during intervention activities.

Wellbore conditions can create inefficient downhole circulation during a debris clean-up operation. After perforating, clean-up can be difficult due to fluid losses that restrict pump rates and pressures. Sensitive pressure-actuated downhole hardware may also limit pump rates and pressures.

Based on a modular design, the WELL SCAVENGER tool comprises a single-nozzle fluid-driving engine, a debris screening module, and one or more debris chambers. The engine module internally generates and maintains an efficient localized reverse circulation flow that achieves maximum lifting velocities without the need for high pump rates from the surface. The debris screening module filters the fluid to capture larger debris and is equipped with an internal magnet assembly to collect ferrous material.

Compared to other tools, the sealed lifting caps of the WELL SCAVENGER tool are significantly safer when handling extracted debris and fluids on the rig floor. The tool can also be combined with string magnets or junk baskets to optimize the removal of ferrous or larger debris.

The tool's optimum environment is with Newtonian fluids that have limited solids carrying capacity or when open perforations, pressure-sensitive downhole hardware or limitations from surface equipment make it impossible to use high pump rates and pressures.