
KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik offers new cloud solution


KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik now offers customers a state of the art cloud solution without recurring costs. Tracking pressure measurements, such as fill levels, or monitoring limit values conveniently from a distance is now possible with the KOLIBRI Cloud

Setting up and maintaining software, databases and servers is time-consuming and requires specialised knowledge. You can either implement your own connections to your sensors, or use given systems, which are limited to computers with only one access. In this age of digitisation, users want to access their data anytime and from anywhere.

With personal login and SSL encryption, the KOLIBRI Cloud enables secure and convenient access to measured data. Available data is used without installation, maintenance and management of databases, FTP or e-mail servers are no longer a problem. Measurements can be graphically displayed in real time, and the export function allows you to download to Excel and CSV formats. The integrated alarm system ensures the effortless monitoring of all measuring points. If, for example, the water level is high or the battery level is low, a warning message will be sent by e-mail.

All aspects of security are considered, with state-of-the-art authentication and encryption based on best practices and standards.

The KOLIBRI Cloud API allows custom software to retrieve metrics via HTTPS in a standardised JSON format. In this way, the measurement data can be forwarded to the user’s own systems, visualised or processed further on their own display software. Open source software and documentation also help the user to build their own cloud solutions – based on the mechanisms of the KOLIBRI cloud.

The cloud is compatible with all KELLER IoT devices, ie the GSM and ARC series, as well new remote data transmission units based on IoT protocols such as LoRa. Convince yourself of the possibilities of the KOLIBRI Cloud with a free trial account at