
Halliburton unveils borehole imaging technology


Halliburton Company has announced StrataXaminer, a new wireline logging service that helps operators acquire more accurate well data to better evaluate production potential

The tool delivers high-resolution images of the reservoir structure to identify bedding, fracture patterns, fault zones and potential flow barriers with increased accuracy.

Obtaining high resolution images in oil or synthetic-based fluid systems has been an industry challenge for decades. StrataXaminer has 10 different operating frequencies, and customers can select any three frequencies to record simultaneously. This dynamic range allows operators to customise the image quality based on the formation type, fluid system, and record in a single pass.

“Our team used StrataXaminer to target sedimentary features in tight sands to better understand our fracture network and maximise production,” said a representative from Tarim Oil Company.

The tool is available in three versions to optimise the acquisition quality in various size boreholes and can operate in higher pressures than previous technologies. The eight-pad tool provides the greatest borehole coverage as it records data up and down a well, improving data quality and providing more acquisition options on a single run in hole.

StrataXaminer reduces reservoir uncertainty by providing the industry’s highest resolution images in the widest variety of borehole conditions,” said Trey Clark, vice-president of Wireline and Perforating. “This service is the latest in a series of formation evaluation technologies that Halliburton has introduced to help operators better understand the subsurface for more accurate decision-making and maximised asset value.”