
Halliburton releases managed pressure drilling system


Halliburton Company, an oil field service company, has released the Flex Managed Pressure Drilling System (MPD), a scalable and mobile technology that can be configured to address specific operator challenges and provide greater rig efficiency

The tiered system allows operators to select the right level of service to help maximise the cost/benefit of managed pressure drilling services, according to a statement released by the company.

The standard Flex MPD offering is a tablet-controlled solution with a single, straightforward display so that the driller can control backpressure or choke position while drilling, tripping and connecting.

The company added that when additional control is required, Flex Pro MPD incorporates rig data for a smarter automated response to adjust backpressure based on flow rates and bit depth.

The system can run as a full MPD solution using real-time hydraulic modelling to control downhole pressure, limit the formation of fluids from entering the wellbore, and help reduce the loss of circulation that can cause wellbore instability, stuck pipe and formation damage. Each tier uses a smaller footprint of equipment so that operators can reduce rig-up and rig-down time.

Daniel Casale, vice-president of testing and subsea, said, “Operators increasingly realise the benefits of managed pressure drilling and we designed Flex MPD to address different service levels for a more tailored approach.”

“In situations where drilling challenges change from well to well, the system allows operators to respond quickly with a highly mobile unit and apply the right service intensity for each job,” he added.

Halliburton noted that the Flex MPD was deployed in an unconventional field in South America to help an operator effectively manage downhole pressure while reducing the space requirements on the rig for increased surface efficiency.