
Geoteric launches seismic interpretation products


Geoteric, one of the leading global software and services providers, has launched two seismic interpretation products, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) including Collaborative AI and Geoteric Stratum

Complementing the existing Geoteric workflows, Collaborative AI aims to enhance traditional interpretation and extract faults from seismic data at the click of a button, without the need for network training. By moving from line by line manual analysis to Collaborative AI, the interpretation is augmented with artificial intelligence, which enables faster and more accurate results.

Geoteric Stratum is a cloud-based AI software that is set to deliver simple usability and even greater detail for fault identification, reservoir compartmentalisation and well trajectory planning. By adding an extra dimension of analysis, Geoteric Stratum achieves outstanding results with an intuitive workflow and provides critical information that will inform exploration and development decisions.

“Our AI interpretation solutions allow users to achieve the industry-leading results they expect from Geoteric,” said Nicola Blanshard, CEO of Geoteric.

“This leading-edge AI technology has been offered exclusively through consultancy projects during the past 12 months. The feedback we have received has been very positive; clearly, this technology provides our clients with substantial new insights into their assets.” 

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