
GeoGraphix 2015 to make work easier for geoscientists


Petroleum technology company LMKR has announced that its new technology GeoGraphix 2015 will enable geoscientists to increase production with lesser cost

As focus moves from exploration to production optimisation, asset teams have turned their attention to maximising recoveries while reducing cycle time and driving down production costs.

Getting the most out of data across multiple domains, improved methods to interpret and integrate geological and seismic data critical to maximising reservoir understanding and finding new, innovative ways of mapping and visualising assets are critical to achieving this. What was once considered high science technology for the specialist is now a daily requirement for use by all members of the asset team.

According to the petroleum technology company, GeoGraphix 2015 will be able to address these key challenges better than before. With this, the geoscientists can achieve —

• Speed: Reduce cycle time of prospecting-to-production through direct and seamless integration between domains

• Accuracy: Increase the accuracy of reservoir interpretation through an extensive 3D geomodel bringing domains together in time or depth

• Decision making: See all the possibilities in one 3D scene to make the best economic decisions

GeoGraphix 2015 also improves accuracy of interpretation by leveraging seismic to provide inter-well detail and improve directional drilling using easy-to-use, lightweight web geosteering from home, at the office or on site.

The advanced 3D view adds a much needed extra dimension while unveiling the big picture of the reservoir. By displaying smartSECTION/FrameBuilder interpretations, including geomodeled 3D surfaces and well-to-well cross sections/fence diagrams, geoscientists can see the field geologically.

GeoGraphix 2015 will be available in the market from August 2015.