
Fluor to provide consultancy services to KOC


The Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) has selected engineering firm Fluor, specialising in project and construction management, to provide consultancy services, supporting its capital expenditure programme in the country

According to Fluor, the value of the five-year contract is US$410mn and will be booked in Q4 2014.

The services related to the construction of new facilities and upgrading existing facilities include project management, coordination, planning, front-end design, engineering, contracting, procurement, project controls, construction management and training of KOC project staff.

Services would be performed at KOC headquarters in Ahmadi, Kuwait, with front-end design packages executed in Fluor’s Farnborough (UK) office, the company added.

Fluor's Energy and Chemicals Group president, Peter Oosterveer, said, “Fluor has supported clients and executed Middle East projects for more than 50 years. During this time, we have developed a strong relationship with KOC by offering support in project development and management for its capital spending programme. This new agreement strengthens our partnership and we are excited to continue providing our expertise to their projects.”

Last year, KOC awarded Technip a US$400mn project management and engineering services contract.

KOC manages the production and exports of oil and gas from more than twelve developed fields in the country.