
Flowrox showcases Deposition Watch at OTC 2015


Flowrox has said it will use the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) to showcase its Deposition Watch

The heavy-duty industrial valve manufacturer hopes the event will provide an ideal opportunity to communicating the value of their product to major players in the oil & gas industries.

Flowrox said the Deposition Watch can reduce pipeline damage by using an algorithm to create a 3D view of the pipe, allowing firms to monitor the build-up of asphaltene depositions and paraffin wax.

Asphaltene and paraffin deposits can damage pipelines by creating choke points that reduce the flow of heavy oils, add stress to pumps and other equipment, and lead to higher energy consumption.

The company said the watch also has the ability to provide multi-phase flow images, such as percentages of oil, sea water or sand.

“A recent improvement to our Deposition Watch is that we have increased the temperature range monitoring from 200°F to 400° F,” added Flowrox president Todd Loudin. “This allows the device to detect asphaltene deposits in oil refineries, further extending our relevance beyond upstream oil & gas operations.”

Flowrox has been manufacturing industrial pumps and valves for more than 30 years, serving industries such as mining, minerals & metallurgy and energy & environment, as well as oil & gas.